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Joint action for STEM!

10 rugs. 2021

In Norway, there are currently 40 Newton Rooms in operation, and one of them has a unique collaboration. 


On September 2nd, Newton Rana located in Mo i Rana, Norway, was officially opened.  
The room is unique, existing side-by-side with Vitensenter Nordland, a science center where visitors can experiment with mathematics, science, and technology equipment.

Positive for the schools
Project Manager, Torbjørn Aag from Kunnskapsparken Helgeland, was pleased on the opening day
– The good synergies in such a coexistence for the Vitensenter and Newton Rooms will be taken out and further developed, he emphasized.

Pål Stian Sjåvik, school principal in Rana municipality, believes the Newton Room will be a great asset for the Rana school and the students in the municipality.

Support each other
The Newton teachers from Rana municipality, Tone Elise Hovind and Sølvi Liasjø, have already tested the four Newton modules that will be taught in the room. They look forward to welcoming full classes this fall. The Newton teachers will be supported by the educational leader at Vitensenter Nordland, Helene Klæbo Møllersen, and her science center educators. 

Founder of FIRST Scandinavia, Per Arild Konradsen says, “We at FIRST Scandinavia are very pleased and proud that we have finally found a place and extremely constructive collaboration between a regional Science Center and the Newton Concept. Now we will show how complementary these "concepts" are.

Tone Elise Hovind og Solvi Liasjo_newton lerere2.jpgTHE NEWTON TEACHER. Tone Elise Hovind and Sølvi Liasjø from Rana municipality.


FINALY! The opening was conducted by Mayor Geir Waage.



FOUNDER OF FIRST SCANDINAVIA. Per Arild Konradsen was proud to open another Newton Room in Norway.