
New on the Newton team: Jorge Carbonell

13 liep. 2022

“Education, hand in hand with practical experiences, can take us a long way forward.”


Those are the words of Jorge Carbonell (29) from Barranquilla, Colombia. He is the newest team member in Berlin and will work as a Project Manager, helping with the complex logistics and the establishment and construction processes involved in building Newton Rooms around the world.


Jorge is originally from Barranquilla, a city on Colombia’s northern coast. Back in Colombia, he worked as a project engineer and manager on construction-related projects. He came to Germany after being awarded a DAAD EPOS scholarship to pursue a master’s in urban management.


“I have lived in Berlin for the past one and a half years, captivated by the city’s cultural diversity. It seems like a great place to develop both professionally and personally.


“Speaking as an engineer, as soon as I discovered the Newton Concept, I was drawn by it. This non-profit organization brings multiple stakeholders together, offering kids and young people the opportunity to experience STEM directly and develop their knowledge and ideas.”


Jorge believes that the partnerships and projects involved in the Newton Concept are vital to the development of future innovative solutions that contribute to achieving the sustainable targets that are being set all over the world.


Now he is in place in the Newton teams Berlin office and is looking forward to delivering ongoing and future projects and spreading STEM education around the globe.

“This is an amazing opportunity, for which I am deeply thankful, and I look forward to seeing where this journey will take me”.