
Research funding granted

02 birž. 2020

The Research Council of Norway has granted researchers Fredrik Rusk and Wenche Rønning fundings for their project “STEM Education in Newton Rooms: Students' Learning in Group Work; Process, Content and Social Organisation”.

Rusk and Rønning have already completed a preparatory project to explore research possibilities into Newton Rooms.

Deep learning

The new project will study three different Newton modules together with Newton Teachers and explore how the modules can be improved to facilitate high-quality group work and to stimulate pupils´ “deep learning.”

FIRST Scandinavia and the Newton administration will assist the researchers in the selection of the Newton modules and provide contact with potential Newton Rooms. 

In addition to FIRST Scandinavia, the Nord University researchers will collaborate with IPN, the University of Kiel and University College Copenhagen.

Benefits the whole network
"This is wonderful news for Newton! This will provide us with research-based knowledge on our practice-oriented approach to STEM education. Through the planned workshops and seminars, it will benefit all of the Newton network, not only the Newton Teachers directly involved in the research", says Ingvill Berg, Newton Educational Manager.

The methodology includes video observations of teaching in Newton modules, video-stimulated recall interviews with Newton Teachers, as well as qualitative interviews with class teachers and students to research how preparatory and follow-up work in the modules are perceived and carried out.

Workshops with Newton Teachers and partners will be used to stimulate module revisions, and findings from the project will be shared regularly in the existing network of Newton Teachers.

This is the Newton Concept

Fredrik Rusk og Wenche Rønning.jpg
Researcher Fredrik Rusk and Wenche Rønning will study three different Newton modules together with Newton Teachers.