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Researching deep learning in STEM, together with the Newton Concept

27 saus. 2021

Wenche Rønning and Fredrik Rusk, from Nord University, will share insight on their project “STEM Education in Newton Rooms: Students' Learning in Group Work; Process, Content and Social Organisation”. They will also present the results of their pre-project, and the plan going forward.

They will be joining the Newton Summit plenary session, Tuesday Feb 9th.

The project will study three different Newton modules together with Newton Teachers and explore how the modules can be improved to facilitate high-quality group work and to stimulate pupils´ “deep learning.”

– The primary objective of our research is to develop knowledge about how group work in an activity-rich and inquiry-based learning environment, can be supported to achieve students' deep learning in STEM, says researcher Wenche Rønning.

The Research Council of Norway has granted researchers Fredrik Rusk and Wenche Rønning fundings for their project Research 

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FIRST Scandinavia and the Newton administration assist the researchers in the selection of the Newton Modules and provide contact with potential Newton Rooms.

In addition to FIRST Scandinavia, the Nord University researchers will collaborate with The Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) at Kiel University  and The Institute of Teacher Education at University College Copenhagen (UCC).

– We are really looking forward to working with Newton teachers, the administration and our international partners says the researchers based in Bodø, a city just north of the arctic circle in Norway.

Sign up for our digital Summit in February to learn more!