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Introducing Newton to Europe

10 rugs. 2019

The unique Mobile Newton Room, a portable science classroom is going on tour! In close collaboration with Boeing, FIRST Scandinavia are presenting the Mobile Newton Rooms in Europe. First up is Spain!

Wants to spread the Newton idea

Stian Elstad, managing director of FIRST Scandinavia, looks forward to presenting the Newton concept to the world.
– The Mobile Newton Room will demonstrate our concept in a new and innovative way. Since the classroom is transportable, we will be able to reach many students and start spreading out concepts in multiple countries this fall, Elstad says

Children and youngsters who visit a Newton Room, will experience practical and explorative education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). 

In cooperation with Boeing, the FIRST Scandinavia mobile classrooms will introduce the Newton Concept to students, teachers and educational authorities in nine countries across Europe.

The mobile Newton Room

Proud partner
– We want to inspire young people to be interested in STEM subjects, said Sir Martin Donnelly, president of Boeing Europe. 

– Newton is bringing fun, hands-on aerospace experience to students across Europe and Boeing is proud to be the major partner. Newton’s Mobile, pop-up classroom approach reaches students across borders and we can’t wait to see these mobile classrooms in action.”

The Mobile Newton Room consists of two expandable containers, each expanding to 35m2 to create a 70m2 classroom when connected. The classroom has been in Bodø since May, where they have been piloted with students and prepared for the fall. 

About Newton 

First stop 

Lugo in Spain is the first stop for the Mobile Newton Room, where the classroom will be for three weeks and around 500 students will experience the teaching methodology of Newton. The Newton classroom will subsequently travel to Poland, The Netherlands and Germany. Five more countries are in the project pipeline. 

– We are working with local educational authorities, who has identified educators who will be teaching in the Newton Room. Our own educational managers provide appropriate training for the local Newton teachers in advance, Elstad says.  

Aviation module
Most locations have chosen the educational module called «Up in the air with numbers», which focuses on mathematical concepts in an aviation setting. We also have a selection of modules that can be utilized, focusing on coding and renewable energy. The focus for all modules is to allow the students to experience STEM subjects hands-on, Markus Bjerkenes says.  

Markus Bjerkenes is the educational manager in the Newton Europe project and has worked as a teacher in Norway for multiple years. He is responsible for training the teachers who will be working in the Mobile Newton Rooms this fall. In the module “Up in the air with numbers” the students will create a flight plan and fly using simulators. The educational focus is the mathematical concepts in the planning and implementation of the flight. 

Newton modules 

Margrethe Skjelbred is the project manager for the expansion of the Newton concept to Europe and is in contact with the local partners and Boeing, Newton’s main partner in the project.

– This is an exciting project and we are fortunate to be chosen as Boeing’s official STEM partner in Europe. We have also been successful making important connections with educational authorities in the different countries, Skjelbred says.   

In addition to the Mobile Newton Rooms, a Pop-up Newton Room will be set-up in Lodz, Poland at the Lodz University of Technology High School. It is a temporary classroom that will be set-up in an available room at the high school. The duration, teaching and training in advance are the equal to the Mobile Newton Room.

– The goals of our projects this fall is to introduce the Newton concept and next establish permanent rooms in these countries. We already have two rooms in Scotland, one in Denmark and many under development. In Norway we have around 35 established Newton Rooms and many under establishment, Skjelbred says. 

During the expansion to Europe, the administration is also looking to establish relationship with organizations that can administer the Newton concept in different countries.

– This partner will collaborate closely with the Newton administration in Bodø and Berlin. We offer everything needed in order to get started with establishing the Newton concept in that country. We will support the process and provide the tools necessary to get started. We welcome interested organizations and individuals to reach out, Elstad concludes. 


Excited group. Theese are a few of  those who has working intensely with the Newton Europe expansion project. The Mobile Newton Rooms will soon be on the road in Europe, spreading high-quality STEM education. From the left Per-Arild Konradsen, Founder FIRST Scandinavia, Margrethe Skjelbred, Project manager Newton Europe, Maria Chiara Boiano, Boeing Europe Regional Community Project Manager, Ole Morten Mortensen, Project manager & instructor, Linda Brunstad Graphics & communications, Stian Elstad, Managing Director FIRST Scandinavia, Rigmor Angler, Concept manager Newton and Axel Storli, IT Manager and Newton Flight Academy