
Newton makes its official debut in France!

15 kov. 2022

The Léo Lagrange Federation in France is the first Newton Operational Partner (NOP) signing with FIRST Scandinavia. 


The NOP role is to be the first line of contact and is responsible for representing the Newton Concept and for the proliferation of Newton Rooms in their respective country or territory.

With the signature of the partnership agreement in March, the Léo Lagrange Federation will take responsibility for implementing the Newton Concept in all of France. The agreement was signed in Paris by Vincent Séguéla, secretary general of the Léo Lagrange Federation, and Stian Elstad, Managing Director of FIRST Scandinavia.


First permanent room opens soon
The Léo Lagrange Federation has already gathered experience with the Newton Concept, through four executions of the Mobile Newton Room in 2021 and 2022. Newton Rooms are also planned in France – the first one will open in Angers this spring. 

The Room has been under construction for several months. Léo Lagrange has been working with the establishment team in FIRST Scandinavia as well as their network of local partners to ensure success and a deep connection within the community.  


Exited Executive Director
FIRST Scandinavia will continue to play many roles in France: as advisors and support throughout the process, through local mobilization and groundbreaking, to project management during the construction phase. FIRST Scandinavia also works hand in hand with their NOPs to ensure quality and management criteria within the Newton Concept are met through evaluation and regular follow-up.

“Everyone has worked very hard behind the scenes to make this partnership a reality. The dynamic team in France continues to provide inspiration and new ideas that are relevant for France but also abroad to the Concept”, says Alysia Tofflemire, Executive Director of NewtonRoom gGmbH, Newton’s European headquarters, “I am very excited to see the progress and growth of the Newton Rooms in France under the capable leadership of the Léo Lagrange Federation.”

The concept owner FIRST Scandinavia is looking to build partnerships with Newton Operational Partners (NOP) around the world. Click here for more information. 


From the Paris opening March 13th. The mobile Newton Room in Paris is located in Collège François Villon and will stay there until April 4th.



Last week The Mobile Newton Room visited Paris where FIRST Scandinavia and the Léo Lagrange Federation signed the NOP agreement. From the left Jean-Marc Fron, Managing Director of Boeing France, Stian Elstad, Managing Director of FIRST Scandinavia,  Lucie Pitiot, the school director


