About Newton America
Newton America was established in 2021 to act as the Newton Operating Partner (NOP) for the Newton Concept in the United States.
Together with school systems, local governments, donors, and Newton network partners, Newton America acts as the entry point for U.S. communities to establish Newton as part of their K-12 STEM educational program.
Owned by FIRST Scandinavia, and first launched in 2003, the
Newton Concept is experiential STEM education led by enthusiastic and professionally-skilled Newton Teachers.
Education programs primarily take place in
Newton Rooms; specialized STEM rooms that are established and owned locally, and become a shared resource for the schools in a municipality.
There are dozens of educational Newton Modules, designed by the Newton team, each enabling practical, hands-on science and math learning tied to real-world careers and aligned to relevant standards.
Newton Teachers come from the local community, are specially trained in the Newton Concept, and become part of a worldwide network, supported with in-person and online resources to continually improve.
FIRST Scandinavia was founded in September 2000 to provide children and young people with good learning and mastering experiences with science, mathematics and technology, and through this contribute to more people choosing a science education.
Our vision is: "Through unique learning experiences, we will give children all over the world the joy of mastering science"
Since its inception, the FIRST Scandinavia Foundation has developed and implemented concepts and projects in the sciences for more than 500,000 children and young people.
FIRST LEGO League Scandinavia (FLL) and
Newton are our two largest and most important concepts. In addition to our work in Scandinavia, we have been involved in implementing and organizing events, developing projects and conducting training of teachers and organizations in other countries. Among other things, we have carried out activities in the United Arab Emirates, Japan, Turkey, Greenland, Lithuania, Iceland, Russia, and several other countries in Europe.
Here is a brief overview of some of the projects in which Newton is involved.
FIRST Scandinavia is headquartered in Bodø, Norway. The non-profit foundation FIRST Scandinavia (founded in the year 2000) has developed, owns and operates the FLL and Newton concepts.
The company FIRST Scandinavia Partner AS (founded in 2010) is an official partner of the foundation and handles, among other things, dissemination, service and support of goods and services for the foundation and the concepts FLL and Newton.
The foundation and the company are a total supplier of exciting educational concepts in science, technology and science through a broadly composed team with different competencies and professional backgrounds.