Cleo clears the rockslide

Search and Rescue

10 years

4h 30m + pre- and post-work


There has been a landslide across the road! The robots Finn, Cleo and Sara will help carry out the clean-up job. Finn finds the landslide with an ultrasonic distance sensor. Cleo clears boulders out of the way with a dozer arm. Sara searches for oil spills on the road with a colour sensor. In order to succeed and send the robots on these missions, learners must solve various programming tasks. In this module, learners learn basic algorithmic thinking and block-based programming.

In this module, learners gain experience with structured block programming. They are presented with an imaginary scenario in which a messy rock slide has occurred, blocking the road. The learners will program robots from LEGO® SPIKE™ Prime to carry out several tasks essential for cleaning up after a landslide.

In English, the robot names are wordplay on the jobs of the robots, reminding learners of the role they play in the search and rescue operation. When translating to other languages, it is recommended to change the names to preserve this association. Specifically:
  • The robot Finn finds the rockslide, using the distance sensor.
  • The robot Cleo clears away boulders, using the dozer arm.
  • The robot Sara searches for oil spills on the road, using the colour sensor.


The learners will work in pairs throughout the day. They start by attaching special tools to their robots, building on a standard driving base 1. Furthermore, they are introduced to fundamental terminology in programming, including “variable” and “loop”. After the initial robot-building activity, the module continues with three activities. The first two activities provide the foundation for the third, which is the clean-up operation itself. Each activity is summarised with a group discussion, in which individual learners demonstrate their solutions. The summaries should use the relevant programming terminology.

Robots are well-suited pedagogical tools for both learners and teachers. Learners get immediate and precise feedback on their work, and the teachers can clearly visualise the mastery of a specific learning goal.

The module is suitable for learners with little or no programming experience, but it is also
flexible and open, so that more experienced programmers can be challenged.


Activity in the Newton Room:

Robot Construction: The learners are provided with the SPIKE™ Prime driving base 1 and each group builds special tools on three variations of robot (one variation per pair).

Activity 1 - Programming with Variables and Conditions: Learners create programs for movement and to operate special tools.

Activity 2 - Programming with Loops: Learners create programs to control warning lights and sirens.

Activity 3 - Search and Rescue: The learners apply the programming they have learned in Activities 1 and 2 to write programs that enable the robots to solve the mission on the robot mat. In this activity, the learners will try out different algorithms and programs, then discuss and argue for their programming choices. The Newton Teacher guides the learners during the selection of strategies.