newton in the world

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From the Newton Room in Verdal, Norway.
The Newton Concept was founded in Norway and the first Newton Room was established in 2007, Harstad. Currently, Norway has 40 Newton Rooms throughout the country. In 2021, three more Newton Rooms will be established. Furthermore, a lifelong network of Newton Teachers meets twice a year in Norway for training and inspiration. Concept owner FIRST Scandinavia is also the National Operational Partner (NOP) of Norway’s Newton Rooms, and is located in Bodø, Norway.
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The first Newton Room outside Norway, opened in Hidovre, Denmark, in 2014.
A Newton Room was established in 2014 at Risbjergskolen in Hvidovre. In 2020, a NOP (national operational partner of the Newton Concept) was established at the University College Lillebælt in Denmark. Work will continue on the expansion of Newton Rooms in Denmark.
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The amphi in the Newton Room in Thurso.
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From the laboratory in Fort Williams.
The Science Skills Academy is the NOP of Newton in Scotland. In 2019, two Newton Rooms were established in the Highlands & Islands region, in Thurso and Fort William respectively. A third room will be established in Dingwall in 2021.
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In October 2019, Lugo, Spain had the first visit of the Mobile Newton Room. A portable classroom traveling around in Europe, showing the Newton Concept.
A pan-European project has been initiated to bring the Newton Concept to multiple European countries. In 2019, The Newton Concept has been introduced to Poland and Spain with plans to create permanent rooms in 2021. Also in 2021 and 2022, the Newton Concept will be brought to the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, and Italy.
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The first Newton Room and Newton Flight Academy in China will be at Tshinghua University High School in Beijing
After visiting several potential partners in Shanghai, Beijing and Hangzhou, we have agreed that the first Newton Room and Newton Flight Academy will be established at Tshinghua University High School in Beijing. We aim to open the new facilities in 2021.
To secure the quality of the Newton Modules when adapted to the Chinese curriculum, we have partnered with YouChange Foundation.